Use this resource to request data from the specified dataset. You must specify a list of fields to show on the report. The list of fields is available here at /{companyDomain}/datasets/{datasetName}/fields.
Sort By you can pass multiple fields to sort by as an array of objects {field: "fieldName", sort: "asc,desc"}. The order of the fields in the array will determine the order of the sort.
Group By is passed as an array of strings but currently grouping by more than one field is not supported.
When using aggregations the following aggregates are available based on field type:
- text
- count
- date
- count
- min
- max
- int
- count
- min
- max
- sum
- avg
- bool
- count
- options
- count
- ssnText
- count
When using the filters the filtered field does not have to be in the list of fields you want to show on the report.
The following operators are available to be used based on the field type:
- text
- contains
- does_not_contain
- equal
- not_equal
- empty
- not_empty
- date
- lt
- lte
- gt
- gte
- last
- next
- range
- equal
- not_equal
- empty
- not_empty
- int
- equal
- not_equal
- gte
- gt
- lte
- lt
- empty
- not_empty
- bool
- checked
- not_checked
- options
- includes
- does_not_include
- empty
- not_empty
- ssnText:
- empty
- not_empty