Create Goal

Create a new goal for an employee.

Sample Request Url

Sample Request Body Without Milestones

	"description": "I wanna do a cartwheel. But real casual like. Not enough to make a big deal out of it, but I know everyone saw it. One stunning, gorgeous cartwheel.",
	"dueDate": "2021-03-17",
	"percentComplete": 0,
	"sharedWithEmployeeIds": [
	"title": "Do the perfect cartwheel"

Sample Request Body With Milestones

    "description": "Ut enim ad minim veniam.",
    "dueDate": "2024-12-17",
    "sharedWithEmployeeIds": [
    "title": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
    "milestones": [
            "title": "milestone a",
            "startValue": 100,
            "endValue": 50
            "title": "milestone b",
            "startValue": -7,
            "endValue": 5

Sample Response Without Milestones

    "goal": {
        "id": "20",
        "title": "Do the perfect cartwheel",
        "description": "I wanna do a cartwheel. But real casual like. Not enough to make a big deal out of it, but I know everyone saw it. One stunning, gorgeous cartwheel.",
        "percentComplete": 0,
        "alignsWithOptionId": null,
        "sharedWithEmployeeIds": [
        "dueDate": "2021-03-17",
        "completionDate": null,
        "status": "in-progress"

Sample Response With Milestones

    "goal": {
        "id": "23",
        "title": "Do the perfect cartwheel",
        "description": "I wanna do a cartwheel. But real casual like. Not enough to make a big deal out of it, but I know everyone saw it. One stunning, gorgeous cartwheel.",
        "percentComplete": 0,
        "alignsWithOptionId": null,
        "sharedWithEmployeeIds": [
        "dueDate": "2021-03-17",
        "completionDate": null,
        "status": "in-progress",
        "milestones": [
                "id": 17,
                "employeeGoalId": 16,
                "title": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                "currentValue": 100,
                "startValue": 100,
                "endValue": 50,
                "completedDateTime": null,
                "lastUpdateDateTime": "2022-07-15T15:37:02Z",
                "lastUpdateUserId": 123
         "actions": {
            "canEditGoalProgressBar": false,
            "canEditGoalMilestoneProgressBar": true
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!